Two weeks in..

Yup I am two weeks in to my new healthier eating regime and so far so good.  Missing out carbs is not easy but I really think it is helping. I am feeling full but not in the usual way. It’s also taking me longer to feel hungry again.  I will say that meal planning is pretty much essential though. It’s very difficult to get a takeaway or ready meal that is without the starchy carbs. The best you can hope for is rotisserie chicken and a pre-prepared salad, which whilst tasty is not nearly as enticing as the chip shop…

So far the meals have included

  1. Prawn and veg stir fry (If I cut courgette and carrot into very long very thin strips they are almost like noodles)
  2. Beef casserole with celeriac mash (needs more horseradish in the celeriac)
  3. Roast gammon with salad
  4. Chicken stir fry
  5. Barbecue pork with sweet potato wedges and sweetcorn
  6. Jerk chicken with corn and salad
  7. Cod wrapped in proscuitto roasted with garlic and cherry toms, spinach and asparagus
  8. Lasagna/moussaka hybrid made with marrow instead of pasta/aubergine

I have also been making soups for lunches  or having things like ham and salad. So far it’s been OK.  I must admit that I am looking forward to some wholemeal carbs tomorrow though 🙂

In other new I have also cut back on mid-week drinking.  This is a real bonus but I suspect that it’s more to do with my discovery of two drinks that I am forming an addiction to. These are low-calorie ginger ale and the new Pepsi Max Cherry.

So there you have it. So far it seems to be working for me. Early days yet though. I am going to bore you all with updates.  Remind me if I don’t post. I may need shaming at times, if my diet looks awful tell me.  Tell me off if I don’t blog about it. I know it’s dull for you to read this but it’s my blog and this is a real challenge for me to try to eat more healthily and to lose some weight.  I need help, if I could do this alone then I would have done it already.  Please?


Posted on September 15, 2011, in Healthy eating and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. *waves pom poms* Fully clothed though, no one needs to see that… 😉

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