Making lists

Goodness me but I have lot on and a lot to do over the next couple of days or so, and as always rather than actually doing them I am procrastinating, drinking wine and writing a list of stuff to do.

  1. Collect parcel from Post Office
  2. Grocery shopping
  3. Do the above whilst somehow being in to sign for a delivery from the demon’s father
  4. Order a card from Moonpig
  5. Take the elder demon shopping for the younger demon’s card and present
  6. Clean the kitchen
  7. Clean the bathrooms
  8. Dust the bedroom
  9. Vac the carpets
  10. Mop the floors
  11. Make a pass the parcel
  12. Strip the bedding
  13. Take the demons to the cinema
  14. Shopping in town for novelty items
  15. Find a new photoframe
  16. Hang new picture
  17. Meet Dad and have lunch out with family
  18. Move furniture in elder demon’s room to accommodate airbed
  19. Remake my bed with fresh bedding
  20. Greet the Controller and his wife
  21. Introduce them to the demons
  22. Get the demons ready for a meal out
  23. Go for a curry
  24. Drink wine
  25. Wrap presents and write cards for younger demon
  26. Try and sleep in the demon’s room whilst they are in it
  27. Be woken up at the crack of dawn and do the birthday thing with the younger demon
  28. Make breakfast for The Controller and wife and bid them goodbye
  29. Bake 24 fairy cakes and decorate with Power Rangers motifs ditto cake
  30. Decorate house with Power Ranger gubbins
  31. Prepare food and drink for Power Ranger party
  32. Organise said party including games
  33. Pack demons off to my dad’s for the night
  34. Tidy house due to aftermath of party
  35. Collapse onto sofa with bucket of gin

The order may change but basically that’s the next couple of days summed up.  It’s going to be fairly frantic but a lot of fun.

Posted on October 27, 2011, in General DemonWrangling, Raves. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Oooh thats a long list. I love a good list, I had lists of lists when I was planning my wedding/new babies

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