Blog Archives

Week one

Two of my biggest resolutions this year are about food. Firstly I want to eat a meal every single week at the dining room table, now we do eat as a family every single day we eat at the kitchen table which is great but lacks a sense of occasions sometimes.

The boys shaped Demons love eating at the dining room table they call it the party table and whenever we eat there they say it’s like a Hogwart’s feast. I think this is because when we sit there I tend to serve things a different way – they can help themselves rather than just have it placed on the plates ready for them.

It’s a small thing but is something they really enjoy. Add to that a few candles, the TV and other distractions turned off, paper napkins and padding things out so we get three courses and the boys are absolutely loving it.

It’s not particularly extravagant food but there is a sense of occasion and excitement. We play word games and chat whilst we eat and then the demons award me marks out of ten a la “Come Dine With Me”

In short it’s fun and it’s quality time spent with the family for very little effort I am really enjoying it, so far and am so glad that we decided to make family feast nights part of our regular routine

The second challenge was a bit more personal I am yet again trying to lose some weight. So far so good and in the last week using a mixture of slimming world and intermittent fasting I’ve managed to lose 6 pounds which is fantastic! In past six months that brings a total weight loss to 26lb I am hoping to be able to keep it up. The past three months or so I’ve done nothing really and just eaten what I want, and so my weight loss hasn’t been as good as it could have been.

Now I am feeling motivated to be able to maintain the weight loss of around 2 pounds per week over the next 12 months if I can do that it will be really significant loss.

So there we have it that’s two of my challenges the third one is to blog at least once per week. If all I do is blog about what we did on Feast night and how much weight I’ve lost at least that’s something right?


This picture is a representation of how I look now and how I hope to look in 12 months time. I’m aware that even the 12 months time me isn’t exactly a skinny mini but it’s a step in the right direction and I would be thrilled to get there.

My current obsessions and challenges